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Why Water?

From water flows health, prosperity and hope.


Without access to clean water, every day is a struggle as families often drink water from the same non-protected and contaminated flowing streams as their livestock and are exposed to water-borne diseases of all kinds.

Without access to clean water, children’s schooling is severely affected as they are usually up at dawn to collect water for the family.  As a result, the children are exhausted even before entering the classrooms and some arrive at school very late or miss school all together.

Without access to clean water, families are unable to apply good hygiene practices and are exposed to infectious diseases that could be easily avoided.

Without access to clean water, crops and livestock are affected resulting in animals dying while many others suffer from poor health. This situation creates a detrimental effect on the parent’s income.

In the areas we serve, access to water is a critical problem.


In Belle-Vue la Montagne, Kenscoff and Aux-cadets regions east of Port-Au-Prince, where there is no running water or electricity, it is not uncommon for over 2,000 people to depend on a single water source that is often miles away from their home for their daily water needs.   For thousands living on less than $2 a day in these regions, gathering water consumes daily life. 

When we can alleviate the single biggest burden facing families in the communities we serve, the possibilities of transformation are endless.


HOPE blooms as families are now able to water crops at home resulting in increased production and food sustainability.

Hope is sustainable.
Help spread HOPE with us!



To donate to this life-changing initiative, please send a tax-deductible check to:


University Impact/ H2OPE Ministries Haiti

3507 North University Avenue,  Suite #125

Provo, UT  84604

501(c)(3) Non-Profit

Online giving is also available at:


Or Venmo @uimpact.

Please mention H2ope Ministries Haiti under “What’s it for?”


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